During a week full of fun activities, the 27th Lustrum of GVC was celebrated last July. A Truck-it football tournament marked the kickoff of the Lustrum week. Some nerve-racking matches were played and each team gave it all they had! After the tournament, the hard work of the players was rewarded with a barbecue.

Besides playing football, the GVC members have talent for singing, dancing, and drinking. This was proven during the Beer Cantus, where everyone carried out some beer-related punishments and sang their heart out while being put under pressure by water guns.
After an enjoyable night of partying, it was time for ‘Game day’. During game day, different sport-related activities could be played, including football darts, frisbee, and football beer-pong. On Thursday, you could join a scavenger hunt during which multiple questions had to be answered and assignments completed. Luckily, each team made it to the final location: ‘Cafe de Zaaier’, where everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather with some drinks.
On Fridays, GVC members can often be found at ICA. Therefore, also on the Friday of the Lustrum week everyone was invited at ICA to sing, dance, and party. The next morning, a GVC br(e)akfest was arranged at the Rhine for all (hungover) party animals. The br(e)akfest provided fresh energy so that the brains could be tested in the evening during the pubquiz. On the roof terrace, everyone was racking their brain to compete for the prizes. The Lustrum week ended with a nice movie in the cinema. Altogether, it was a very successful week during which members got to join fun activities and laugh a lot!
Time for other events soon 😊