Only few weeks to go, and then the new academic year will start. If you are (new) student in Wageningen looking for 11v11 soccer, then you may find the following information helpful:
First of all, what is GVC? GVC is the Student Football Club of Wageningen University. At GVC, it is all about 11v11 matches during the weekend, for both women and men, at recreational and competitive level. During the week we practice to become better individually and as a team, and during the weekend we want to win! Next to developing and winning, we also want to have fun, of course, by enjoying each others company.
Second, GVC will be visible multiple days of the AID: during the Campus Games, the Sports Day and the Info Market. Be welcome to come to our stands/sport fields, to get information about our student football club, and have your questions answered.
Third, during July and August GVC is offering Summer Training sessions (women: Wednesdays 18.45h, men: Tuesday and Thursdays: 20h). If you already happen to be in Wageningen, feel welcome to join.
Fourth, the first weeks of early September, there will be Introduction Training sessions (check here for the exact time and location). The introduction sessions are open to all students considering to play 11v11 matches in the weekend. (Note: If you just want to join training sessions, please know that there are separate training sessions offered by the sport center, independent of GVC.) At GVC, the focus is at the 11v11 competitions. Please be aware that to play matches, there is a minimum level of football skills and experience required – even for the recreational teams. Similar to a orchestra: If you want to participate in a concert performance, you need to be able to play an instrument. (Yet, rest assured: If it turns out you do not have the required level yet, you may reach the level in the near future quite soon, by practicing and integrating feedback.)
For the GVC women, we offer football at beginner and a more advanced level. Beginners can use the training sessions to improve, to be able to join the more advanced players who play matches on Saturday.
For GVC1 men specifically, the season preparation will start Thursday August 25th. The season preparation will entail quite some training sessions and six practice matches. To be able to join GVC1, you need to have experience at senior standard class level. If you only played in teams under 19 years old, then you may qualify for GVC1 if you played Hoofdklasse or higher, and were among the best. (The difference between senior and junior level is substantial.) If you are a good football player, but not yet at the level of GVC1, you can gain experience in GVC2 and, depending on your development, sooner or later make your appearance in GVC1.
If there is something unaddressed that you want to know now, please be welcome to contact us.